Today’s avocado isn’t properly ripe when I open it. The flesh is hard and doesn’t taste of anything much, and mashing it into the tuna is a real workout.
The Troubling Affair of the Carrots, Episode 2
After The Troubling Affair of the Carrots, Episode 1, in which my Aldi carrots emerged from the bag rotting from the base up (all soft and squishy-crumbly), I took my business to The Big Fruit Shop instead. My new fruit shop carrots looked perfect when I put them in the fridge, but the following day when I opened the bag they were covered in spots of mould.
What is happening to the vegetables of Sydney? Because it isn’t just the carrots. The Troubling Affair of the Carrots, Episode 1 had become The Troubling Affair of the Beans as well, when my just-purchased refrigerated greens began exuding a slimy, off-white substance resembling pus.
Not appetising. Not at all.