gratuitous images
Swimming Up from the Blue Depths
Boutique Window, Newtown
The Corner of Whitehorse and King Streets, Newtown
Crossing Camden Street in Newtown
King Street, Newtown, Sydney
A Bent Wheel
Early Morning, Manly Wharf, Sydney
Hot Sun in the Sky
A Home Among the Fig Trees
Unspoilt Narrabeen?
The View from Wollongong Hospital
Ah, but the Fine Print
Strange Arrivals on the Beach at Collaroy
Kookamunga Collective, Collaroy Beach
An Object of Interest
Close to Nature
Philosophy of Love
Strength and Resilience
Reflections on Narrabeen
Dreadlock Doggy
Hungarian Puli visits Collaroy cafe
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Artistic, by Nature
Cross-section of a dead tree fern
If Birds Could Swear
Northern Beaches Hopeful
Northern Beaches Hedge