The Troubling Affair of the Carrots, Episode 2
After The Troubling Affair of the Carrots, Episode 1, in which my Aldi carrots emerged from the bag rotting from the base up (all soft and squishy-crumbly), I took my business to The Big Fruit Shop instead. My new fruit shop carrots looked perfect when I put them in the fridge, but the following day when I opened the bag they were covered in spots of mould.
What is happening to the vegetables of Sydney? Because it isn’t just the carrots. The Troubling Affair of the Carrots, Episode 1 had become The Troubling Affair of the Beans as well, when my just-purchased refrigerated greens began exuding a slimy, off-white substance resembling pus.
Not appetising. Not at all.
Act of Defiance
Oh my! I’ve changed the theme of my blog to Cards, truncated longer posts on the home page (thank you for your help, @jsonbecker) and added a footer with links in a horizontal list.
I can add a search box but I cannot style it for love or money, so I’ve removed it, pending further research.
These small achievements have taken me the entire first day of 2023 and may well occupy the second as well, but by the end of tomorrow I hope to have a blog that I can just post to without thinking about form. And then I might actually post.
This post is an act of defiance. Take that, cruel world!
Upload at 10.43.30
Well this image appeared straight away. I can’t figure out what’s going on with marsEdit and images from my computer.
Chevrolet Vega Johnson at home
10.29 and still no image on the blog.
Uploaded at 10.19.0am
Appeared immediately but without the photo. Instead, a rectangle the right size containing the alt text. The delay is because the photo was inserted from my Photos app, which is only storing low-res versions locally. The original has to be downloaded first, I think, before MarsEdit can upload it.
Deleted and re-inserted the image in MarsEdit. Uploading update at 10.32.50 … Now that worked straight away …
Strictly a test post to see whether it appears straight away on the blog.
Okay. The original displayed on the blog immediately. What about this edit in MarsEdit?
I see. The edit did not display immediately. It took some time. A couple of minutes? I am sending this new edit to the blog at 9.40.30am
And it appeared immediately when I refreshed the page at And this edit?
Also immediate. Adding MarsEdit Category in MarsEdit after refreshing blog to get it.
SOE Agent
This is going to start as a draft saved in Mars Edit. Later I’ll upload it to the blog. I need to figure out what to do with DevonThink. Like, how can I use it, apart from its rss feed reading abilities?
And is all this tinkering merely avoidance behaviour?
This didn’t publish by itself on the blog when I uploaded it. I could see it in “Posts” but it had a message saying it wasn’t published yet.