There’s a log in a bog in a fog
And a dog on the log in the bog
And a frog in the bog
That’s agog at the dog
On the log in the bog in the fog -
New York
The dog was sick
the cat was sad
the budgie wouldn’t talk …
The chook was dead
the cocky said
they didn’t like New York. -
It’s a local but physical law,
That in England, if one is outdoor,
And an object is downed,
It will never hit ground,
But is certain to land on the floor. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 21
Talking Derry Girls, masters of tech,
Going non-instrumental a sec,
Bring a Derry lad’s voice
To their anthem of choice,
With the tea level touching his neck. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 20
The sedentary sirens of yearning
Were deadly in Derry, we’re learning;
Their cover was blown,
And the the Foyle would be known
As the River of Never Returning. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 19
Little Acorns, the story untold,
The shop that came out in the cold;
A brown paper drop
And a bus at the stop …
It’s a genre that never gets old. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 18
The secrets of Ma Mary Quinn,
As revealed by the wee Tara Lynne;
It’s a glamorous gig,
With the jumpers, the wig,
And a bowl of contention within. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 17
The podcasting Derry Girls, witty,
Take a Derry Girls tour of the city
With Charlene, but a wain …
While recording the rain,
They intrepidly talk in committee. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 16
DerryLama, made blind as a sprog,
Leaves the podcasting trio agog,
For they sound, in his sight,
Rather beige; that’s in spite
Of their glamour and eau de wet dog. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 15
One’s living the life of a swell;
For the others, it’s just a hotel.
They visit, in plural,
The Derry Girls mural,
And do some annoying as well. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 14
The charming and chattable three,
Erin’s Diary, and Lisa McGee;
A Panto, poor Dopey
All pale and ropy,
And raging up there was a tree. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 13
Is it belly or stomach? Much noise.
Maybe girls are more funny than boys …
The Derry Girls three
Welcome Lisa McGee
With their usual presence and poise. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 12
The future looked suddenly bright,
The chosen were packing in tight,
But Jeanie’s big scoop
Was in closing the loop
On the man who appeared in the night. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 11
The bell for a telly has tolled,
A Catholic budgie is rolled;
Portnoo to Portnude
Is debatably rude,
And you’d surely be feeling the cold. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 10
The truth’s never totally said,
But death, you can take it as read:
Logistics with meaning
And none of that keening,
You’ll only be waking the dead. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 9
Lady Di and the Pope are a pair,
Which is conflict enough, to be fair;
But far more confusing
Is Donna’s wee newsing,
And look at the shape of that bear! -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 8
Wee statues with frills in their blouses
Are desperately clinging to houses;
And Gabriel Byrne
Is a point of concern,
With no arse in the back of his trousers. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 7
On holy shops, cupboards and crumbs
And people with hymns in their hums;
The blackboards, you’ll see ‘em
In Ulster Museum …
One’s finished; the other becomes. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 6
In Derry, they’re often a pair,
The laughter, pursued by despair;
A deeply emotional,
Any but notional
Podcast, from three who were there. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 5
The gleam in a shouty man’s eye,
The cake that’s forbidden to fly,
Sectarian tray bake,
And doilies at daybreak …
A whale that’s retired to Skye. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 4
His doorway besmirched by unnamed,
The Voice of Sinn Fein is reframed;
The story of Jeanie
In France as a tweenie
(Eventually, when she was claimed). -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 3
One’s never, no never, up late,
One’s ironing every date …
The Bishop is brittle
In wee Ballinspittle,
And hark the informer dog’s fate. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 2
Profane and religious offences,
And thoroughfares nursing pretences;
The standards are failing.
No bums on the railing,
And no filling up of your senses. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 1
Three Derry insiders transcend
Pulp Fiction and Derry - the blend,
Then showcase Pauline
As a Little Miss Keen,
Though she wasn’t, it seems, in the end. -
The Talking Derry Girls Podcast: Episode 0
Jeanie, Marie-Louise and Pauline,
At the dawn of the podcast, convene
For a chat about Derry,
And end with a very
Professional sign-off routine.