🌞   🌛


  • The Russians explained it so well,
    How their bombs that hit Belgorod fell -
    ‘The abnormal descent
    Of munitions unspent’ -
    Has it happened in Moscow as well?


  • A tiny, unprovenanced flare
    Over Moscow; hysterics to spare.
    But the odious gremlin
    Was not in the Kremlin,
    They say: he was hiding elsewhere.


  • Ruscist Putin adores to deceive
    Lowly Russians, who live by his leave:
    Kyivan Rus’ - no discussian
    Could label it Russian;
    The truth’s in the name, and it’s Kyiv.


  • A zindan’s a hole with a grate,
    Where the Russians keep soldiers of late,
    Their genius and flair
    Changing fear and despair
    To morale, but it doesn’t translate.


  • Another young woman is dead.
    Her three-year old daughter is dead.
    They’re dead to delight
    All the hatred and spite
    In a sad little narcissist’s head.


  • In Russia, a telephoned moan
    To a friend is okay, when alone …
    ‘Got you! Caught in the act!
    It’s a broadcast, in fact,
    Cause the State listens in on your phone.’


  • In the gulag he’s ruled by oppression,
    Putin sinks into fear and depression,
    Isolated, alone,
    On his paranoid throne,
    For his rivals are always in session.


  • A correction, updating the score:
    Six children were murdered, not four,
    In Uman, as they slept;
    Now the coward has crept
    To his bed in the Kremlin once more.


  • Someone take it away by the scruff,
    Cause it thinks killing children is tough;
    Oh, how many of those,
    Until everyone knows
    That enough is enough is enough?


  • Putin’s prison, in spite of his orders,
    Still struggles to widen its borders;
    Since arming the gaoled
    Appears to have failed,
    Perhaps he’ll try drafting the warders.


  • How bravely they froth and they foam,
    The Russian elite, when they roam;
    See news from the desk of
    Young Nikolai Peskov,
    Who served while he partied at home.


  • Ukraine blah blah the West - let him bleat.
    It’s the people he’ll never defeat;
    They’ll adapt, they’ll invent,
    Innovate and pre-empt,
    Till the Russians go home in defeat.

    🇺🇦 #Ukraine

  • The Russians’ attempts to be great
    Find them paused in a troubling state;
    No success in attack,
    So their cleverer hack
    Is to go dig a hole and just wait.


  • Politicians grow weak with their heady
    Illusions of peace, and unsteady;
    Their glib panacea,
    Give Russia Crimea …
    Is Bucha forgotten already?


  • To hell with the wavering cluster
    Of leaders who quake at the bluster
    Of one little scrote
    Killing kids by remote,
    Which is all the success he can muster.


  • Four children in Uman are slaughtered.
    Still counting. And Russia reported
    A strike with precision.
    I long for the vision
    When Putin is hanged, drawn and quartered.


  • It’s a cowardly kind of disease,
    Letting tyrants behave as they please;
    Escalation’s a fear
    That we constantly hear,
    But the word we observe is ‘appease’.


  • In the gulag he’s ruled by oppression,
    Putin sinks into fear and depression;
    Isolated, alone,
    On his paranoid throne,
    With the courts of his rivals in session.


  • In Russia you’re free to be free,
    If you’re not against bending the knee,
    Or denouncing a friend,
    And you’re able to bend
    Your reality, watching TV.


  • Poor Putin - now don’t be a scorner -
    He’s painted himself in a corner,
    And the blood is still damp;
    Sure, let’s give him a ramp …
    To the fires of hell for a sauna.


  • As a satellite falls from the sky,
    So the sociopath from on high;
    His contemptible flight
    Is a flash in the night,
    So to Vladimir Putin, goodbye.


  • Oops! Another stray bomb on the ground
    In Belgorod, lying around;
    Unnoticed for hours,
    In bed with the flowers
    Like Russia, not making a sound.


  • Russia’s army’s diminished again,
    So it’s calling on men to be men,
    Which in Russia means earning
    Through torture and burning
    And looting and dying. Amen.


  • Puny Putin must always conflate
    Catherine, Peter and Vova the Great;
    So he follows his star
    To a land bridge too far,
    And another blown up in the strait.


  • A plane has a bomb and it drops it,
    In Belgorod! Nobody stops it!
    A bombing campaign
    Is okay in Ukraine,
    But the shock when it’s Russia that cops it!
