The Kerch Bridge
Putin wasn’t concerned with protection
When he forced his unwanted connection;
His unnatural lust
Added length to his thrust,
But he couldn’t maintain his erection.🇺🇦
Putin’s trip to Luhansk is all front,
Using officers groomed for the stunt,
And a stage fitted out
As the worthy redoubt
Of a slimy, degenerate runt.🇺🇦
Putin’s visited troops at the rear -
So he says, but the facts are unclear:
For in footage collated
And geolocated,
The dictator doesn’t appear.🇺🇦
Far-removed from the catus in Cato,
Putin frowns, like a puzzled potato,
A delusional spud
Coming down with a thud
Cause he’s doubled his border with NATO. -
Putin’s talked through his arse from the start;
Now his underwear’s falling apart.
Take ‘petard’, often pinned,
From the French ’to break wind’,
And he’s hoist by his own little fart. -
The Order of Courage is spawning
In Russia, but not for the fawning;
Its recipients, cursed,
Have to detonate first,
Which for some may be seen as a warning. -
The achievements of Putin are sweeping,
And recorded for Infamy’s keeping;
Every notch, every knurl,
Like the death of a girl,
Just eleven years old, who was sleeping. -
Reptilian Russian, a repto,
Sends force, unprepared and inepto,
To ransack the store
Of the nation next door
In the classic, Attack of the Klepto. -
Putin’s trains run on secretive tracks,
Lest his populace venture attacks.
Russia’s fearful and grim,
But it terrifies him,
And the tyrant can never relax. -
If Putin were vegetable, gee,
What manner of plant would he be?
As a poisonous seed
He could grow to a weed,
But he’d never amount to a tree. -
Putin’s version of history is twisted
With falsehoods, pathetically listed;
By his logic, what’s more,
Russia’s losing its war
To a nation that never existed. -
With so many men never-aftered,
Russia’s looking for more to get shafted;
But political stuff
Means there’s never enough -
Putin’s doubles are not to be drafted. -
For ridiculous, nothing can rival
Putin’s Great Patriotic Revival;
Yet there is, as he spake,
Some existence at stake -
Russia’s fighting for Putin’s survival. -
Take the Council, it’s yours to enjoy,
As you murder a five-month-old boy
In Avdiivka, where you
Killed his grandmother, too.
What a brave new world order, Old Boy. -
In Putin’s peculiar obsession,
He’s an emperor seeking expression;
As a Nazi who’d like
His own thousand-year Reich,
He’s indifferent to words like aggression. -
With Ukraine so gamely resisting,
Russia’s ship of aggression is listing.
As the vessel goes down,
Some abandon, some drown,
And a little tsar’s neck gets a twisting. -
In his bubble, with those who agree,
Vladimir Vladimirovich P
Gives a shrug at Bakhmut:
‘They’re just fodder on foot.
All that matters to history is me.' -
For Putin, a cease-fire’s appealing -
His war of aggression is reeling;
But Ukraine will control
All its territory, whole,
Ere it stops for a scone and Darjeeling. -
Is anyone e’er so reviled
As one who would murder a child?
And could there be any
Who’ve murdered as many
As Putin, as so far compiled? -
The Axis, claims Putin’s new sting,
Lives again in the West. What a thing!
But the only new Axis,
In theory and praxis,
Is Russia aligned with Beijing. -
It’s a drone war, the first, no dissem’lin’,
But ‘drone’ is a bit of a gremlin:
There’s the flying device,
Then there’s taking advice
From the drones who inhabit the Kremlin. -
Little Putin is singing a song:
‘I have columns of tanks that are strong.
And you’ll know you’re alive
In a T-55,
Though you mightn’t be knowing it long.' -
I’m a coward, says Vladimir Puting:
You’ll never get me near the shooting.
Put some stooges in place
For my stand-in to face,
Then I’ll let you get back to the looting. -
There’s a log in a bog in a fog
And a dog on the log in the bog
And a frog in the bog
That’s agog at the dog
On the log in the bog in the fog -
It’s a local but physical law,
That in England, if one is outdoor,
And an object is downed,
It will never hit ground,
But is certain to land on the floor.