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out and about

  • At Collaroy a motor scooter burbles almost to a stop in the bus lane, then accelerates as the lights change. Its rider leans forward on the handlebars.

  • A teenager slouches aboard with no pretence of paying. The driver glares, and the boy slumps into a seat. He has acne.

  • A curly-haired cocker spaniel and a bulldog trade angry words in the middle of the market. Embarrassed humans lead them in opposite directions, but the cocker spaniel turns back suddenly and lunges in a flurry of barks and snarls. Two steps later it tries again.

    That bulldog has really got under its fur.

  • A woman with short grey hair limps past on a walking stick. She wears baggy jeans and a big, loose shirt of red and black squares. Stopping, she wheels round slowly, steadies, then continues on her new course into the book stall. She removes her glasses.

  • Manly Markets. A stroller goes past with dolls and toys piled inside. Somewhere underneath, a baby squeals.

  • Distraught girl from the animal rescue stall at Manly Markets: “At Shelly Brach there’s a shark eating a dolphin! The whole beach is closed!”

  • A man pushes just the low, storage section of a pram through the markets. A bulldog sits inside it, breathing heavily.

  • Small boy at the markets: “I got two Pokémon packs and a Pokémon book.”

  • Small girl at the markets: “Oh look! Her tail’s so excited!”

  • A Dachshund casts worried eyes around the market as his human, clutching him between arm and hip, struggles from stall to stall.

  • An old woman bends at the front of a covered pram and reaches far inside, feeling her way like a mechanic tracing the source of that mysterious squeak.

  • A woman carries a baguette in a paper bag, and a big tub of Greek yoghurt.

  • A pug and an Afghan pass each other at the markets. The Afghan is interested, but the pug moves on with haughty indifference.

  • A tiny dog strains at the lead, nose forward, tail flying back and forth; so much to see, so much to sniff but alas, its human has stopped.

  • A greyhound moves cautiously between the market stalls. It has five peculiar ridges on its back, and three humans.

  • A young woman and an old woman browse the markets arm in arm. The old woman has a walking stick, and a jaunty green backpack over one shoulder.

  • A woman in a long black dress walks past at the markets, talking to a friend. “On the first day, you’ll see, you’ll feel like a Mr Whippy Van.”

  • A woman parks her boyfriend under a tree and he sits there eating; sausage sandwich in one hand, ice cream cone in the other, alternating between them.

  • A child pushes past on a scooter. She stops, drops to her bottom and resumes her journey.

  • At Manly Markets, a small girl clenches two fists on her stroller frame, face red, mouth open, eyes wide in a look of horror. Where is her mother taking her? Why is she doing this?

  • Shouted conversations go quiet when the bus stops. Somebody might hear.

  • A grey-clad woman in Brookvale carries a baby in front of her in a pouch, but the baby has sunk to the bottom and pulled everything taut. In consequence, the woman resembles a mudslide.

  • The woman across the aisle has black hair and lashes, black top, black jeans and black, thick-soled boots. Her jeans are ripped at the knees and torn across the outer thigh. She sits in stillness, one leg crossed over the other, and stares at a phone she holds in landscape mode. A complex, elegant tatto extends from wrist to elbow, and the lace of her top creates the appearance of other tattoos covering her shoulders.

    Decamping at Dee Why, she wears a cautious expression.

  • At Warringah Mall, an Espresso machine is piled high with shoes and boots. But no, I’m mistaken. There’s no coffee, and the kiosk is called Shoe Express.

  • Three storeys above Pittwater Road, the penthouse-dwellers bring in the washing.