When a place people live is attacked,
Putin says: ‘That’s a terrorist act.'
We can only agree,
And we’re happy to see
He’s accepted the label, in fact.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
It’s Summer, and bound to engender
Mixed thoughts in the Russian defender;
As the steppe comes alive,
Many choose to survive,
And they’re crossing the lines to surrender.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
The Russians are busy inflating
Their feathers, all talk and berating,
Their boots on the ground
Left to wander around
In a fog of confusion and waiting.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
The war has developed a way now,
Where it’s visiting Russia each day now,
As was never the plan
Of the never-a-man
Who has ever so little to say now.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
Just a little, not over-proportioned,
Was the share of explosives apportioned
To the drones in the night
On their mystical flight,
But the Russian elite have been cautioned.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
Poor dictator, waking in fright,
To explosions and flickering light;
There’s a cry of dismay
Where the indolent play,
And no rest for the wicked this night.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
A mysterious drone fleet attacks
Part of Moscow that generally lacks
Any cause for concern
Or incentive to learn
What they’d see if they looked through the cracks.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
No rules - Putin opted to waive them:
Just get the job done, and enslave them;
So they brought to the war
All their darkness and more,
And they think that a river can save them.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
Baba Yaga, an old Russian nightmare,
Who terrifies kids in their nightwear,
Flies above the terrain,
In the dark, in Ukraine,
Stalking terrified Russians who fight there.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
In Bakhmut the flanks are eroding;
In Russia the tanks are exploding;
Kinzhal is passé,
The aggressor is prey,
And the dugouts are dark with foreboding.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
Just a crack allows Putin the floor.
All he needs is a foot in the door.
So a Wimbledon tent,
An Olympic event,
Give a tacit thumbs-up to his war.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
An event meant to limit his years,
Is for Putin, the sum of all fears;
So the Night of the Dome
Isn’t playing at home,
Cause it might give his people ideas.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
In Russia, one word could invite them
To smash all your things and ignite them;
So on Limerick Day
It’s important to say
That at least we’re entitled to write them.🇺🇦 #Ukraine #LimerickDay
What Crimea made obvious then,
Russian soldiers are proving again:
They’re an alien strain,
Base, malignant and vain …
All along, they were little green men.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
Putin’s losing his tenuous grip on
The country he wears as a clip-on;
The man who relied
On deceit has supplied
All his own propaganda to slip on.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
No Bakhmut on Victory Day,
And Wagner is fading away;
The public won’t dare
Set a foot in Red Square,
And the piper has come for his pay.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
In a twist that was hard to ignore,
Putin briefly, while taking the floor,
Gave his black operation
A standing ovation,
And finally called it a war.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
The Red Square agenda was shortent -
No flyover! Very important!
The odds are increasing
Of pilots releasing
Their bombs where they know that they oughtn’t.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
With no military left to parade;
May the ninth is a little bit staid;
The gaps are compelling,
Resistance is swelling,
And Putin, poor diddums, is frayed.🇺🇦 #Ukraine
In defeat, Putin thinks he will slide
To some haven, with justice denied;
But perhaps he will lunch
On a novichok crunch,
With a caesium sauce on the side.🇺🇦
Poor Putin. Ukraine has resources.
They’re crushing his soldiers and horses.
So he’s taking his ball
And he’s charging them all
With discrediting Russia’s armed forces.🇺🇦
Putin says, ‘We’re all reasonable men.
Sign here. Use my poisonous pen.
Then we’ll all go and play,
But don’t get in my way,
Or I’m saying the N word again.'🇺🇦
So the tyrant is losing his sway,
And his chef says he’s going away,
Leaving Putin to chew
On ignominy stew
As he hides during Victory Day.🇺🇦
Lukashenko, a toad Medieval,
Lends his back to a poisonous weevil,
And of course he gets bitten:
The fable was written
In Russia, whose stories are evil.🇺🇦
For Russia’s Un-Victory Day,
There’ll be no Immortal display;
The inglorious dead
Who’ve been ruthlessly fed
To the grinder have too much to say.🇺🇦